METALLICA PROMO PHOTO-1200x120011Metallica’s longtime lead guitarist Kirk Hammett has warned songwriters who record and store song ideas on their phone to make sure they always keep the phone backed up.

Hammett speaks from bitter first-hand experience. He recently lost his phone which contained over 250 unused Metallica song ideas and riffs. Metallica are, of course, famous for their heavy riff-orientated sound.

“I lost my iPhone with 250 musical ideas,” Hammett told the podcast The Jasta Show. “I was crushed. It didn’t get backed up. When it happened, I was bummed out for about two or three days. I’m still looking for it to this day …”

Hammett added: “All you musicians out there who use your phone, make sure it’s backed up, right?”

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“HOW [NOT] TO WRITE A HIT SONG! - 101 COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID IF YOU WANT SONGWRITING SUCCESS” is available from Amazon as a paperback and also as an eBook from Amazon’s Kindle Store, Apple's iTunes Store, Barnes and Noble's Nook store, and from [Not] To Write A Hit Song! – 101 Common Mistakes To Avoid If You Want Songwriting Success” is available from Amazon as a US paperback, UK paperback and as an eBook from Amazon’s Kindle Store, Apple’s iTunes Store (Books/Arts & Entertainment/Music), Barnes & Noble’s Nook store, and from KoboBooks.

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